Source code for evalutils.evalutils

import json
import logging
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from os import PathLike
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (
from warnings import warn

import SimpleITK
from pandas import DataFrame, Series, concat, merge

from .exceptions import ConfigurationError, FileLoaderError, ValidationError
from .io import (
from .scorers import score_detection
from .validators import DataFrameValidator, UniqueImagesValidator

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DEFAULT_INPUT_PATH = Path("/input/")
DEFAULT_ALGORITHM_OUTPUT_FILE_PATH = Path("/output/results.json")
DEFAULT_GROUND_TRUTH_PATH = Path("/opt/evaluation/ground-truth/")
DEFAULT_EVALUATION_OUTPUT_FILE_PATH = Path("/output/metrics.json")

[docs]class Algorithm(ABC):
[docs] def __init__( self, *, index_key: str = "input_image", file_loaders: Optional[Dict[str, FileLoader]] = None, file_filters: Optional[Dict[str, Optional[Pattern[str]]]] = None, input_path: Path = DEFAULT_INPUT_PATH, output_path: Path = DEFAULT_ALGORITHM_OUTPUT_IMAGES_PATH, file_sorter_key: Optional[Callable] = None, validators: Optional[Dict[str, Tuple[DataFrameValidator, ...]]] = None, output_file: PathLike = DEFAULT_ALGORITHM_OUTPUT_FILE_PATH, ): """ The base class for all algorithms. Sets the environment and controls the flow of the processing once `process` is called. Parameters ---------- index_key Fileloader key which must be used for the index. Default: `input_image` file_loaders The loaders that will be used to get all files. Default: `` for `input_image` file_filters Regular expressions for filtering certain FileLoaders. Default: no filtering. input_path The path in the container where the ground truth will be loaded from. Default: `/input` output_path The path in the container where the output images will be written. Default: `/output/images` file_sorter_key A function that determines how files in the input_path are sorted. Default: `None` (alphanumerical) validators A dictionary containing the validators that will be used on the loaded data per file_loader key. Default: `evalutils.validators.UniqueImagesValidator` for `input_image` output_file The path to the location where the results will be written. Default: `/output/results.json` """ self._index_key = index_key self._input_path = input_path self._output_path = output_path self._file_sorter_key = file_sorter_key self._output_file = output_file self._ground_truth_cases = DataFrame() self._predictions_cases = DataFrame() self._cases: Dict[str, DataFrame] = {} self._case_results: List[Dict] = [] self._validators: Dict[str, Tuple[DataFrameValidator, ...]] = ( dict(input_image=(UniqueImagesValidator(),)) if validators is None else validators ) self._file_loaders: Dict[str, FileLoader] = ( dict(input_image=SimpleITKLoader()) if file_loaders is None else file_loaders ) self._file_filters: Dict[str, Optional[Pattern[str]]] = ( dict(input_image=None) if file_filters is None else file_filters ) super().__init__()
def load(self): for key, file_loader in self._file_loaders.items(): fltr = ( self._file_filters[key] if key in self._file_filters else None ) self._cases[key] = self._load_cases( folder=self._input_path, file_loader=file_loader, file_filter=fltr, ) def _load_cases( self, *, folder: Path, file_loader: ImageLoader, file_filter: Pattern[str] = None, ) -> DataFrame: cases = None for f in sorted(folder.glob("**/*"), key=self._file_sorter_key): if file_filter is None or file_filter.match(str(f)): try: new_cases = file_loader.load(fname=f) except FileLoaderError: logger.warning( f"Could not load {} using {file_loader}." ) else: if cases is None: cases = new_cases else: cases += new_cases else: f"Skip loading {} because it doesn't match {file_filter}." ) if cases is None: raise FileLoaderError( f"Could not load any files in {folder} with " f"{file_loader}." ) return DataFrame(cases)
[docs] def validate(self): """Validates each dataframe for each fileloader separately""" file_loaders_keys = [k for k in self._file_loaders.keys()] for key in self._validators.keys(): if key not in file_loaders_keys: raise ValueError( f"There is no file_loader associated with: {key}.\n" f"Valid file loaders are: {file_loaders_keys}" ) for key, cases in self._cases.items(): if key in self._validators: self._validate_data_frame(df=cases, file_loader_key=key)
def _validate_data_frame(self, *, df: DataFrame, file_loader_key: str): for validator in self._validators[file_loader_key]: validator.validate(df=df) def process(self): self.load() self.validate() self.process_cases() def process_cases(self, file_loader_key: str = None): if file_loader_key is None: file_loader_key = self._index_key self._case_results = [] for idx, case in self._cases[file_loader_key].iterrows(): self._case_results.append(self.process_case(idx=idx, case=case)) @abstractmethod def process_case(self, *, idx: int, case: DataFrame) -> Dict: raise NotImplementedError() def save(self): with open(str(self._output_file), "w") as f: json.dump(self._case_results, f) def _load_input_image(self, *, case) -> Tuple[SimpleITK.Image, Path]: input_image_file_path = case["path"] input_image_file_loader = self._file_loaders["input_image"] if not isinstance(input_image_file_loader, ImageLoader): raise RuntimeError( "The used FileLoader was not of subclass ImageLoader" ) # Load the image for this case input_image = input_image_file_loader.load_image(input_image_file_path) # Check that it is the expected image if input_image_file_loader.hash_image(input_image) != case["hash"]: raise RuntimeError("Image hashes do not match") return input_image, input_image_file_path @abstractmethod def predict(self, *, input_image: SimpleITK.Image) -> Any: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class DetectionAlgorithm(Algorithm): def process_case(self, *, idx, case): # Load and test the image for this case input_image, input_image_file_path = self._load_input_image(case=case) # Detect and score candidates scored_candidates = self.predict(input_image=input_image) # Write resulting candidates to result.json for this case return { "outputs": [ dict(type="candidates", data=scored_candidates.to_dict()) ], "inputs": [ dict(type="metaio_image", ], "error_messages": [], } @abstractmethod def predict(self, *, input_image: SimpleITK.Image) -> DataFrame: raise NotImplementedError() @staticmethod def _serialize_candidates( *, candidates: Iterable[Tuple[float, ...]], candidate_scores: List[Any], ref_image: SimpleITK.Image, ) -> List[Dict]: data = [] for coord, score in zip(candidates, candidate_scores): world_coords = ref_image.TransformContinuousIndexToPhysicalPoint( [c for c in reversed(coord)] ) coord_data = { f"coord{k}": v for k, v in zip(["X", "Y", "Z"], world_coords) } coord_data.update({"score": score}) data.append(coord_data) return data
[docs]class SegmentationAlgorithm(Algorithm): def process_case(self, *, idx, case): # Load and test the image for this case input_image, input_image_file_path = self._load_input_image(case=case) # Segment nodule candidates segmented_nodules = self.predict(input_image=input_image) # Write resulting segmentation to output location segmentation_path = self._output_path / if not self._output_path.exists(): self._output_path.mkdir() SimpleITK.WriteImage(segmented_nodules, str(segmentation_path), True) # Write segmentation file path to result.json for this case return { "outputs": [ dict(type="metaio_image", ], "inputs": [ dict(type="metaio_image", ], "error_messages": [], } @abstractmethod def predict(self, *, input_image: SimpleITK.Image) -> SimpleITK.Image: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class ClassificationAlgorithm(Algorithm): def process_case(self, *, idx, case): # Load and test the image for this case input_image, input_image_file_path = self._load_input_image(case=case) # Classify input_image image results = self.predict(input_image=input_image) # Test classification output if not isinstance(results, dict): raise ValueError("Exepected a dictionary as output") # Write resulting classification to result.json for this case return { "outputs": [results], "inputs": [ dict(type="metaio_image", ], "error_messages": [], } @abstractmethod def predict(self, *, input_image: SimpleITK.Image) -> Dict: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class BaseEvaluation(ABC):
[docs] def __init__( self, *, ground_truth_path: Path = DEFAULT_GROUND_TRUTH_PATH, predictions_path: Path = DEFAULT_INPUT_PATH, file_sorter_key: Callable = first_int_in_filename_key, file_loader: FileLoader, validators: Tuple[DataFrameValidator, ...], join_key: str = None, aggregates: Set[str] = None, output_file: PathLike = DEFAULT_EVALUATION_OUTPUT_FILE_PATH, ): """ The base class for all evaluations. Sets the environment and controls the flow of the evaluation once `evaluate` is called. Parameters ---------- ground_truth_path The path in the container where the ground truth will be loaded from predictions_path The path in the container where the submission will be loaded from file_sorter_key A function that determines how files are sorted and matched together file_loader The loader that will be used to get all files validators A tuple containing all the validators that will be used on the loaded data join_key The column that will be used to join the predictions and ground truth tables aggregates The set of aggregates that will be calculated by `pandas.DataFrame.describe` output_file The path to the location where the results will be written """ if aggregates is None: aggregates = { "mean", "std", "min", "max", "25%", "50%", "75%", "count", "uniq", "freq", } self._ground_truth_path = ground_truth_path self._predictions_path = predictions_path self._file_sorter_key = file_sorter_key self._file_loader = file_loader self._validators = validators self._join_key = join_key self._aggregates = aggregates self._output_file = output_file self._ground_truth_cases = DataFrame() self._predictions_cases = DataFrame() self._cases = DataFrame() self._case_results = DataFrame() self._aggregate_results: Dict[str, Union[float, int, str, None]] = {} super().__init__() if isinstance(self._file_loader, CSVLoader) and self._join_key is None: raise ConfigurationError( f"You must set a `join_key` when using {self._file_loader}." )
@property def _metrics(self) -> Dict: """Returns the calculated case and aggregate results""" return { "case": self._case_results.to_dict(), "aggregates": self._aggregate_results, } def evaluate(self): self.load() self.validate() self.merge_ground_truth_and_predictions() self.cross_validate() self.score() def load(self): self._ground_truth_cases = self._load_cases( folder=self._ground_truth_path ) self._predictions_cases = self._load_cases( folder=self._predictions_path ) def _load_cases(self, *, folder: Path) -> DataFrame: cases = None for f in sorted(folder.glob("**/*"), key=self._file_sorter_key): try: new_cases = self._file_loader.load(fname=f) except FileLoaderError: logger.warning( f"Could not load {} using {self._file_loader}." ) else: if cases is None: cases = new_cases else: cases += new_cases if cases is None: raise FileLoaderError( f"Could not load any files in {folder} with " f"{self._file_loader}." ) return DataFrame(cases)
[docs] def validate(self): """Validates each dataframe separately""" self._validate_data_frame(df=self._ground_truth_cases) self._validate_data_frame(df=self._predictions_cases)
def _validate_data_frame(self, *, df: DataFrame): for validator in self._validators: validator.validate(df=df) @abstractmethod def merge_ground_truth_and_predictions(self): pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def cross_validate(self): """Validates both dataframes""" pass
def _raise_missing_predictions_error(self, *, missing=None): if missing is not None: message = ( "Predictions missing: you did not submit predictions for " f"{missing}. Please try again." ) else: message = ( "Predictions missing: you did not submit enough predictions, " "please try again." ) raise ValidationError(message) def _raise_extra_predictions_error(self, *, extra=None): if extra is not None: message = ( "Too many predictions: we do not have the ground truth data " f"for {extra}. Please try again." ) else: message = ( "Too many predictions: you submitted too many predictions, " "please try again." ) raise ValidationError(message) @abstractmethod def score(self): pass # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def score_case(self, *, idx: int, case: DataFrame) -> Dict: return {} def score_aggregates(self) -> Dict: aggregate_results = {} for col in self._case_results.columns: aggregate_results[col] = self.aggregate_series( series=self._case_results[col] ) return aggregate_results def aggregate_series(self, *, series: Series) -> Dict: summary = series.describe() valid_keys = [a for a in self._aggregates if a in summary] series_summary = {} for k in valid_keys: value = summary[k] # % in keys could cause problems when looking up values later key = k.replace("%", "pc") try: json.dumps(value) except TypeError: logger.warning( f"Could not serialize {key}: {value} as json, " f"so converting {value} to int." ) value = int(value) series_summary[key] = value return series_summary def save(self): with open(self._output_file, "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(self._metrics))
[docs]class ClassificationEvaluation(BaseEvaluation): """ ClassificationEvaluations have the same number of predictions as the number of ground truth cases. These can be things like, what is the stage of this case, or segment some things in this case. """ def merge_ground_truth_and_predictions(self): if self._join_key: kwargs = {"on": self._join_key} else: kwargs = {"left_index": True, "right_index": True} self._cases = merge( left=self._ground_truth_cases, right=self._predictions_cases, indicator=True, how="outer", suffixes=("_ground_truth", "_prediction"), **kwargs, )
[docs] def cross_validate(self): missing = [ p for _, p in self._cases.iterrows() if p["_merge"] == "left_only" ] if missing: if self._join_key: missing = [p[self._join_key] for p in missing] self._raise_missing_predictions_error(missing=missing) extra = [ p for _, p in self._cases.iterrows() if p["_merge"] == "right_only" ] if extra: if self._join_key: extra = [p[self._join_key] for p in extra] self._raise_extra_predictions_error(extra=extra)
def score(self): self._case_results = DataFrame() for idx, case in self._cases.iterrows(): self._case_results = self._case_results.append( self.score_case(idx=idx, case=case), ignore_index=True ) self._aggregate_results = self.score_aggregates()
[docs]class Evaluation(ClassificationEvaluation): """ Legacy class, you should use ClassificationEvaluation instead. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): warn( ( "The Evaluation class is deprecated, " "please use ClassificationEvaluation instead" ), DeprecationWarning, ) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class DetectionEvaluation(BaseEvaluation): """ DetectionEvaluations have a different number of predictions from the number of ground truth annotations. An example would be detecting lung nodules in a CT volume, or malignant cells in a pathology slide. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, detection_radius, detection_threshold, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._detection_radius = detection_radius self._detection_threshold = detection_threshold
def merge_ground_truth_and_predictions(self): self._cases = concat( [self._ground_truth_cases, self._predictions_cases], keys=["ground_truth", "predictions"], )
[docs] def cross_validate(self): expected_keys = set(self._ground_truth_cases[self._join_key]) submitted_keys = set(self._predictions_cases[self._join_key]) missing = expected_keys - submitted_keys if missing: self._raise_missing_predictions_error(missing=missing) extra = submitted_keys - expected_keys if extra: self._raise_extra_predictions_error(extra=extra)
def _raise_extra_predictions_error(self, *, extra=None): """In detection challenges extra predictions are ok""" warn(f"There are extra predictions for cases: {extra}.") def _raise_missing_predictions_error(self, *, missing=None): """In detection challenges missing predictions are ok""" warn(f"Could not find predictions for cases: {missing}.") def score(self): cases = set(self._ground_truth_cases[self._join_key]) cases |= set(self._predictions_cases[self._join_key]) self._case_results = DataFrame() for idx, case in enumerate(cases): self._case_results = self._case_results.append( self.score_case( idx=idx, case=self._cases.loc[self._cases[self._join_key] == case], ), ignore_index=True, ) self._aggregate_results = self.score_aggregates() def score_case(self, *, idx, case): score = score_detection( ground_truth=self.get_points(case=case, key="ground_truth"), predictions=self.get_points(case=case, key="predictions"), radius=self._detection_radius, ) # Add the case id to the score output = score._asdict() output.update({self._join_key: case[self._join_key][0]}) return output def get_points( self, *, case, key: str ) -> List[Tuple[Union[int, float], Union[int, float]]]: raise NotImplementedError def score_aggregates(self): aggregate_results = super().score_aggregates() totals = self._case_results.sum() for s in ["true_positives", "false_positives", "false_negatives"]: aggregate_results[s]["sum"] = int(totals[s]) tp = aggregate_results["true_positives"]["sum"] fp = aggregate_results["false_positives"]["sum"] fn = aggregate_results["false_negatives"]["sum"] aggregate_results["precision"] = tp / (tp + fp) aggregate_results["recall"] = tp / (tp + fn) aggregate_results["f1_score"] = 2 * tp / ((2 * tp) + fp + fn) return aggregate_results