Source code for evalutils.scorers

from collections import namedtuple
from typing import List, Tuple

from numpy import array
from sklearn.neighbors import BallTree

DetectionScore = namedtuple(
    "DetectionScore", ["true_positives", "false_negatives", "false_positives"]

[docs]def score_detection( *, ground_truth: List[Tuple[float, ...]], predictions: List[Tuple[float, ...]], radius: float = 1.0, ) -> DetectionScore: """ Generates the number of true positives, false positives and false negatives for the ground truth points given the predicted points. If multiple predicted points hit one ground truth point then this is considered as 1 true positive, and 0 false negatives. If one predicted point is a hit for N ground truth points then this is considered as 1 true positive, and N-1 false negatives. Parameters ---------- ground_truth A list of the ground truth points predictions A list of the predicted points radius The maximum distance that two points can be separated by in order to be considered a hit Returns ------- A tuple containing the number of true positives, false positives and false negatives. """ if len(ground_truth) == 0: return DetectionScore( true_positives=0, false_negatives=0, false_positives=len(predictions), ) elif len(predictions) == 0: return DetectionScore( true_positives=0, false_negatives=len(ground_truth), false_positives=0, ) hits_for_targets = find_hits_for_targets( targets=ground_truth, predictions=predictions, radius=radius ) true_positives = 0 false_negatives = 0 prediction_hit_a_target = [False] * len(predictions) for hits_for_target in hits_for_targets: for hit_idx in hits_for_target: # Go from the nearest to the farthest hit, mark the closest one # as a hit for this point if not prediction_hit_a_target[hit_idx]: prediction_hit_a_target[hit_idx] = True true_positives += 1 break else: false_negatives += 1 false_positives = prediction_hit_a_target.count(False) if not all( [ 0 <= true_positives <= min(len(predictions), len(ground_truth)), 0 <= false_positives <= len(predictions), 0 <= false_negatives <= len(ground_truth), true_positives + false_negatives == len(ground_truth), true_positives + false_positives == len(predictions), ] ): raise RuntimeError("Evaluation failed.") return DetectionScore( true_positives=true_positives, false_negatives=false_negatives, false_positives=false_positives, )
[docs]def find_hits_for_targets( *, targets: List[Tuple[float, ...]], predictions: List[Tuple[float, ...]], radius: float, ) -> List[Tuple[int, ...]]: """ Generates a list of the predicted points that are within a radius r of the targets. The indicies are returned in sorted order, from closest to farthest point. Parameters ---------- targets A list of target points predictions A list of predicted points radius The maximum distance that two points can be apart for them to be considered a hit Returns ------- A list which has the same length as the targets list. Each element within this list contains another list that contains the indicies of the predictions that are considered hits. """ predictions_tree = BallTree(array(predictions)) hits, _ = predictions_tree.query_radius( X=targets, r=radius, return_distance=True, sort_results=True ) return hits