Source code for grandchallenge.components.models

import json
import logging
import re
from datetime import timedelta
from json import JSONDecodeError
from pathlib import Path
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from typing import NamedTuple

from billiard.exceptions import SoftTimeLimitExceeded, TimeLimitExceeded
from celery import signature
from django import forms
from django.apps import apps
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.exceptions import (
from django.core.files import File
from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
from django.core.validators import (
from django.db import models, transaction
from django.db.models import Avg, F, IntegerChoices, QuerySet, Sum
from django.db.transaction import on_commit
from django.forms import ModelChoiceField
from django.forms.models import model_to_dict
from django.template.defaultfilters import truncatewords
from django.utils.functional import cached_property
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string
from django.utils.text import get_valid_filename
from django.utils.timezone import now
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from django_deprecate_fields import deprecate_field
from django_extensions.db.fields import AutoSlugField
from panimg.models import MAXIMUM_SEGMENTS_LENGTH

from grandchallenge.cases.models import Image, ImageFile, RawImageUploadSession
from grandchallenge.charts.specs import components_line
from grandchallenge.components.backends.exceptions import (
from grandchallenge.components.schemas import (
from grandchallenge.components.tasks import (
from grandchallenge.components.validators import (
from grandchallenge.core.celery import acks_late_2xlarge_task
from grandchallenge.core.error_handlers import (
from grandchallenge.core.models import FieldChangeMixin, UUIDModel
from import (
from grandchallenge.core.utils.error_messages import (
from grandchallenge.core.validators import (
from grandchallenge.uploads.models import UserUpload
from grandchallenge.uploads.validators import validate_gzip_mimetype
from grandchallenge.workstation_configs.models import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class InterfaceKindChoices(models.TextChoices): """Interface kind choices.""" STRING = "STR", _("String") INTEGER = "INT", _("Integer") FLOAT = "FLT", _("Float") BOOL = "BOOL", _("Bool") ANY = "JSON", _("Anything") CHART = "CHART", _("Chart") # Annotation Types TWO_D_BOUNDING_BOX = "2DBB", _("2D bounding box") MULTIPLE_TWO_D_BOUNDING_BOXES = "M2DB", _("Multiple 2D bounding boxes") DISTANCE_MEASUREMENT = "DIST", _("Distance measurement") MULTIPLE_DISTANCE_MEASUREMENTS = ( "MDIS", _("Multiple distance measurements"), ) POINT = "POIN", _("Point") MULTIPLE_POINTS = "MPOI", _("Multiple points") POLYGON = "POLY", _("Polygon") MULTIPLE_POLYGONS = "MPOL", _("Multiple polygons") LINE = "LINE", _("Line") MULTIPLE_LINES = "MLIN", _("Multiple lines") ANGLE = "ANGL", _("Angle") MULTIPLE_ANGLES = "MANG", _("Multiple angles") ELLIPSE = "ELLI", _("Ellipse") MULTIPLE_ELLIPSES = "MELL", _("Multiple ellipses") THREE_POINT_ANGLE = "3ANG", _("Three-point angle") MULTIPLE_THREE_POINT_ANGLES = "M3AN", _("Multiple three-point angles") # Registration types AFFINE_TRANSFORM_REGISTRATION = "ATRG", _("Affine transform registration") # Choice Types CHOICE = "CHOI", _("Choice") MULTIPLE_CHOICE = "MCHO", _("Multiple choice") # Image types IMAGE = "IMG", _("Image") SEGMENTATION = "SEG", _("Segmentation") HEAT_MAP = "HMAP", _("Heat Map") DISPLACEMENT_FIELD = "DSPF", _("Displacement field") # File types PDF = "PDF", _("PDF file") SQREG = "SQREG", _("SQREG file") THUMBNAIL_JPG = "JPEG", _("Thumbnail jpg") THUMBNAIL_PNG = "PNG", _("Thumbnail png") OBJ = "OBJ", _("OBJ file") MP4 = "MP4", _("MP4 file") NEWICK = "NEWCK", _("Newick tree-format file") BIOM = "BIOM", _("BIOM format") # Legacy support CSV = "CSV", _("CSV file") ZIP = "ZIP", _("ZIP file")
[docs] class InterfaceSuperKindChoices(models.TextChoices): IMAGE = "I", "Image" FILE = "F", "File" VALUE = "V", "Value"
[docs] class InterfaceKind: """Interface kind choices.""" InterfaceKindChoices = InterfaceKindChoices
[docs] @staticmethod def interface_type_json(): """Interface kinds that are json serializable: * String * Integer * Float * Bool * Anything that is JSON serializable (any object) * Chart * 2D bounding box * Multiple 2D bounding boxes * Distance measurement * Multiple distance measurements * Point * Multiple points * Polygon * Multiple polygons * Lines * Multiple lines * Angle * Multiple angles * Ellipse * Multiple ellipses * Affine transform registration * Choice (string) * Multiple choice (array of strings) .. exec_code:: :hide_code: import json import os import django os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'config.settings') django.setup() from grandchallenge.components.models import INTERFACE_TYPE_JSON_EXAMPLES for key, example in INTERFACE_TYPE_JSON_EXAMPLES.items(): title = f"Example JSON file contents for {key.label}" if example.extra_info: title += f" ({example.extra_info})" print(f"{title}:") print(json.dumps(example.value, indent=2)) print("") """ return { InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.STRING, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.INTEGER, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.FLOAT, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.BOOL, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.TWO_D_BOUNDING_BOX, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.MULTIPLE_TWO_D_BOUNDING_BOXES, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.DISTANCE_MEASUREMENT, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.MULTIPLE_DISTANCE_MEASUREMENTS, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.POINT, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.MULTIPLE_POINTS, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.POLYGON, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.MULTIPLE_POLYGONS, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.CHOICE, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.MULTIPLE_CHOICE, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.ANY, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.CHART, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.LINE, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.MULTIPLE_LINES, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.ANGLE, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.MULTIPLE_ANGLES, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.ELLIPSE, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.MULTIPLE_ELLIPSES, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.THREE_POINT_ANGLE, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.MULTIPLE_THREE_POINT_ANGLES, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.AFFINE_TRANSFORM_REGISTRATION, }
[docs] @staticmethod def interface_type_image(): """Interface kinds that are images: * Image * Heat Map * Segmentation * Displacement Field """ return { InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.IMAGE, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.HEAT_MAP, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.SEGMENTATION, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.DISPLACEMENT_FIELD, }
[docs] @staticmethod def interface_type_file(): """Interface kinds that are files: * CSV file * ZIP file * PDF file * SQREG file * Thumbnail JPG * Thumbnail PNG * OBJ file * MP4 file * Newick file * BIOM file """ return { InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.CSV, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.ZIP, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.PDF, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.SQREG, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.THUMBNAIL_JPG, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.THUMBNAIL_PNG, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.OBJ, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.MP4, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.NEWICK, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.BIOM, }
[docs] @staticmethod def interface_type_mandatory_isolation(): """Interfaces that can only be displayed in isolation.""" return { InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.CHART, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.PDF, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.THUMBNAIL_JPG, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.THUMBNAIL_PNG, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.MP4, }
[docs] @staticmethod def interface_type_undisplayable(): """Interfaces that cannot be displayed.""" return { InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.CSV, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.ZIP, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.OBJ, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.NEWICK, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.BIOM, }
[docs] class OverlaySegmentsMixin(models.Model): overlay_segments = models.JSONField( blank=True, default=list, help_text=( "The schema that defines how categories of values in the overlay images are differentiated. " 'Example usage: [{"name": "background", "visible": true, "voxel_value": 0},' '{"name": "tissue", "visible": true, "voxel_value": 1}]. ' "If a categorical overlay is shown, " "it is possible to show toggles to change the visibility of the different overlay categories. " "To do so, configure the categories that should be displayed. " 'For example: [{"name": "Level 0", "visible": false, "voxel_value": 0].' ), validators=[JSONValidator(schema=OVERLAY_SEGMENTS_SCHEMA)], ) look_up_table = models.ForeignKey( to=LookUpTable, blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, help_text="The look-up table that is applied when an overlay image is first shown", ) @property def overlay_segments_allowed_values(self): allowed_values = {x["voxel_value"] for x in self.overlay_segments} # An implicit background value of 0 is always allowed, this saves the # user having to declare it and the annotator mark it allowed_values.add(0) return allowed_values @property def overlay_segments_is_contiguous(self): values = sorted(list(self.overlay_segments_allowed_values)) return all( values[i] - values[i - 1] == 1 for i in range(1, len(values)) ) def _validate_voxel_values(self, image): if not self.overlay_segments: return if image.segments is None: raise ValidationError( "Image segments could not be determined, ensure the voxel values " "are integers and that it contains no more than " f"{MAXIMUM_SEGMENTS_LENGTH} segments. Ensure the image has the " "minimum and maximum voxel values set as tags if the image is a TIFF " "file." ) invalid_values = ( set(image.segments) - self.overlay_segments_allowed_values ) if invalid_values: raise ValidationError( f"The valid voxel values for this segmentation are: " f"{self.overlay_segments_allowed_values}. This segmentation is " f"invalid as it contains the voxel values: {invalid_values}." ) def _validate_vector_field(self, image: Image): if len(image.shape) != 4: raise ValidationError( "Deformation and displacement must be 4D images." ) if image.shape_without_color != image.shape: raise ValidationError( "Deformation and displacement fields cannot have a color component." ) if image.shape[0] != 3: raise ValidationError( "Deformation and displacement field's 4th dimension " "must be a 3-component vector." ) class Meta: abstract = True
[docs] class ComponentInterface(OverlaySegmentsMixin): Kind = InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices SuperKind = InterfaceSuperKindChoices title = models.CharField( max_length=255, help_text="Human readable name of this input/output field.", unique=True, ) slug = AutoSlugField(populate_from="title") description = models.TextField( blank=True, help_text="Description of this input/output field." ) default_value = models.JSONField( blank=True, null=True, default=None, help_text="Default value for this field, only valid for inputs.", ) schema = models.JSONField( default=dict, blank=True, help_text=( "Additional JSON schema that the values for this interface must " "satisfy. See " "Only Draft 7, 6, 4 or 3 are supported." ), validators=[JSONSchemaValidator()], ) kind = models.CharField( blank=False, max_length=5, choices=Kind.choices, help_text=( "What is the type of this interface? Used to validate interface " "values and connections between components." ), ) relative_path = models.CharField( max_length=255, help_text=( "The path to the entity that implements this interface relative " "to the input or output directory." ), unique=True, validators=[ validate_safe_path, validate_no_slash_at_ends, validate_relative_path_not_reserved, # No uuids in path RegexValidator( regex=r".*[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}.*", inverse_match=True, flags=re.IGNORECASE, ), ], ) store_in_database = models.BooleanField( default=True, editable=True, help_text=( "Should the value be saved in a database field, " "only valid for outputs." ), )
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._overlay_segments_orig = self.overlay_segments
def __str__(self): return f"{self.title} ({self.get_kind_display()})" @property def is_image_kind(self): return self.kind in InterfaceKind.interface_type_image() @property def is_json_kind(self): return self.kind in InterfaceKind.interface_type_json() @property def is_file_kind(self): return self.kind in InterfaceKind.interface_type_file() @property def is_thumbnail_kind(self): return self.kind in [ InterfaceKindChoices.THUMBNAIL_JPG, InterfaceKindChoices.THUMBNAIL_PNG, ] @property def is_previewable(self): return self.store_in_database and self.kind in [ InterfaceKindChoices.BOOL, InterfaceKindChoices.FLOAT, InterfaceKindChoices.INTEGER, InterfaceKindChoices.STRING, ] @property def json_kind_example(self): try: return self.example_value except ObjectDoesNotExist: return INTERFACE_TYPE_JSON_EXAMPLES.get(self.kind) @property def super_kind(self): if self.saved_in_object_store: if self.is_image_kind: return InterfaceSuperKindChoices.IMAGE else: return InterfaceSuperKindChoices.FILE else: return InterfaceSuperKindChoices.VALUE @property def saved_in_object_store(self): # files and images should always be saved to S3, others are optional return ( self.is_image_kind or self.is_file_kind or not self.store_in_database ) @property def requires_file(self): return ( self.is_file_kind or self.is_json_kind and not self.store_in_database ) @property def default_field(self): if self.requires_file: return ModelChoiceField elif self.is_image_kind: return ModelChoiceField elif self.kind in { InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.STRING, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.CHOICE, }: return forms.CharField elif self.kind == InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.INTEGER: return forms.IntegerField elif self.kind == InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.FLOAT: return forms.FloatField elif self.kind == InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.BOOL: return forms.BooleanField else: return forms.JSONField @property def allowed_file_types(self): """The allowed file types of the interface that is relevant when uploading""" try: return INTERFACE_KIND_TO_ALLOWED_FILE_TYPES[self.kind] except KeyError as e: raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown kind {self.kind}") from e @property def file_extension(self): """The dot filename extension (e.g. '.jpg') of an interface that is relevant when writing""" try: return INTERFACE_KIND_TO_FILE_EXTENSION[self.kind] except KeyError as e: raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown kind {self.kind}") from e def create_instance(self, *, image=None, value=None, fileobj=None): civ = ComponentInterfaceValue.objects.create(interface=self) if image: civ.image = image elif fileobj: container = File(fileobj), container) elif self.saved_in_object_store: civ.file = ContentFile( json.dumps(value).encode("utf-8"), name=Path(self.relative_path).name, ) else: civ.value = value civ.full_clean() return civ
[docs] def clean(self): super().clean() self._clean_overlay_segments() self._clean_store_in_database() self._clean_relative_path() self._clean_example_value()
def _clean_overlay_segments(self): if ( self.kind == InterfaceKindChoices.SEGMENTATION and not self.overlay_segments ): raise ValidationError( "Overlay segments must be set for this interface" ) if ( self.kind != InterfaceKindChoices.SEGMENTATION and self.overlay_segments ): raise ValidationError( "Overlay segments should only be set for segmentations" ) if not self.overlay_segments_is_contiguous: raise ValidationError( "Voxel values for overlay segments must be contiguous." ) Question = apps.get_model("reader_studies", "question") # noqa: N806 if ( is not None and self._overlay_segments_orig != self.overlay_segments and ( ComponentInterfaceValue.objects.filter(interface=self).exists() or Question.objects.filter(interface=self).exists() ) ): raise ValidationError( "Overlay segments cannot be changed, as values or questions " "for this ComponentInterface exist." ) def _clean_relative_path(self): if ( self.is_file_kind or self.is_json_kind ) and not self.relative_path.endswith(self.file_extension): raise ValidationError( f"Relative path should end with {self.file_extension}" ) if self.is_image_kind: if not self.relative_path.startswith("images/"): raise ValidationError( "Relative path should start with images/" ) if Path(self.relative_path).name != Path(self.relative_path).stem: # Maybe not in the future raise ValidationError("Images should be a directory") else: if self.relative_path.startswith("images/"): raise ValidationError( "Relative path should not start with images/" ) def _clean_store_in_database(self): object_store_required = self.kind in { *InterfaceKind.interface_type_image(), *InterfaceKind.interface_type_file(), # These values can be large, so for any new interfaces of this # type always add them to the object store InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.MULTIPLE_TWO_D_BOUNDING_BOXES, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.MULTIPLE_DISTANCE_MEASUREMENTS, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.MULTIPLE_POINTS, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.MULTIPLE_POLYGONS, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.MULTIPLE_LINES, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.MULTIPLE_ANGLES, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.MULTIPLE_ELLIPSES, InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.MULTIPLE_THREE_POINT_ANGLES, } if object_store_required and self.store_in_database: raise ValidationError( f"Interface {self.kind} objects cannot be stored in the database" ) def _clean_example_value(self): try: self.example_value.full_clean() except ObjectDoesNotExist: pass except ValidationError as error: raise ValidationError( f"The example value for this interface is not valid: {error}" )
[docs] def validate_against_schema(self, *, value): """Validates values against both default and custom schemas""" schema = generate_component_json_schema( component_interface=self, required=True ) JSONValidator(schema=schema)(value=value)
@cached_property def value_required(self): value_required = True if self.kind == InterfaceKindChoices.BOOL: value_required = False elif not self.is_image_kind and not self.requires_file: try: self.validate_against_schema(value=None) value_required = False except ValidationError: pass return value_required class Meta: ordering = ("pk",)
[docs] class ComponentInterfaceExampleValue(UUIDModel): interface = models.OneToOneField( to=ComponentInterface, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="example_value", ) value = models.JSONField( null=True, blank=True, default=None, help_text="Example value for an interface", ) extra_info = models.TextField( blank=True, help_text="Extra information about the example value" )
[docs] def clean(self): super().clean() if self.interface.is_json_kind: civ = ComponentInterfaceValue(interface=self.interface) if self.interface.store_in_database: civ.value = self.value else: file = ContentFile( json.dumps(self.value).encode("utf-8"), name=f"{self.interface.kind}.json", ) civ.file = file civ.full_clean() else: raise ValidationError( "Example value can be set for interfaces of JSON kind only" )
INTERFACE_TYPE_JSON_EXAMPLES = { InterfaceKindChoices.STRING: ComponentInterfaceExampleValue( value="Example String" ), InterfaceKindChoices.INTEGER: ComponentInterfaceExampleValue(value=42), InterfaceKindChoices.FLOAT: ComponentInterfaceExampleValue(value=42.0), InterfaceKindChoices.BOOL: ComponentInterfaceExampleValue(value=True), InterfaceKindChoices.ANY: ComponentInterfaceExampleValue( value={"key": "value", "None": None} ), InterfaceKindChoices.CHART: ComponentInterfaceExampleValue( value={ "$schema": "", "width": 300, "height": 300, "data": { "values": [ { "target": "Negative", "prediction": "Negative", "value": 198, }, { "target": "Negative", "prediction": "Positive", "value": 9, }, { "target": "Positive", "prediction": "Negative", "value": 159, }, { "target": "Positive", "prediction": "Positive", "value": 376, }, ], "format": {"type": "json"}, }, "layer": [ { "mark": "rect", "encoding": { "y": {"field": "target", "type": "ordinal"}, "x": {"field": "prediction", "type": "ordinal"}, "color": { "field": "value", "type": "quantitative", "title": "Count of Records", "legend": { "direction": "vertical", "gradientLength": 300, }, }, }, }, { "mark": "text", "encoding": { "y": {"field": "target", "type": "ordinal"}, "x": {"field": "prediction", "type": "ordinal"}, "text": {"field": "value", "type": "quantitative"}, "color": { "condition": { "test": "datum['value'] < 40", "value": "black", }, "value": "white", }, }, }, ], "config": {"axis": {"grid": True, "tickBand": "extent"}}, }, extra_info="For more examples, see and", ), InterfaceKindChoices.TWO_D_BOUNDING_BOX: ComponentInterfaceExampleValue( value={ "name": "Region of interest", "type": "2D bounding box", "corners": [ [130.8, 148.8, 0.5], [69.7, 148.8, 0.5], [69.7, 73.1, 0.5], [130.8, 73.1, 0.5], ], "probability": 0.95, "version": {"major": 1, "minor": 0}, }, extra_info='Optional fields: "name" and "probability"', ), InterfaceKindChoices.MULTIPLE_TWO_D_BOUNDING_BOXES: ComponentInterfaceExampleValue( value={ "name": "Regions of interest", "type": "Multiple 2D bounding boxes", "boxes": [ { "name": "ROI 1", "corners": [ [92.6, 136.0, 0.5], [54.8, 136.0, 0.5], [54.8, 95.5, 0.5], [92.6, 95.5, 0.5], ], "probability": 0.95, }, { "name": "ROI 2", "corners": [ [92.6, 136.0, 0.5], [54.8, 136.0, 0.5], [54.8, 95.5, 0.5], [92.6, 95.5, 0.5], ], "probability": 0.92, }, ], "version": {"major": 1, "minor": 0}, }, extra_info='Optional fields: "name" and "probability"', ), InterfaceKindChoices.DISTANCE_MEASUREMENT: ComponentInterfaceExampleValue( value={ "name": "Distance between areas", "type": "Distance measurement", "start": [59.8, 78.8, 0.5], "end": [69.4, 143.8, 0.5], "probability": 0.92, "version": {"major": 1, "minor": 0}, }, extra_info='Optional fields: "name" and "probability"', ), InterfaceKindChoices.MULTIPLE_DISTANCE_MEASUREMENTS: ComponentInterfaceExampleValue( value={ "name": "Distances between areas", "type": "Multiple distance measurements", "lines": [ { "name": "Distance 1", "start": [49.7, 103.3, 0.5], "end": [55.1, 139.3, 0.5], "probability": 0.92, }, { "name": "Distance 2", "start": [49.7, 103.3, 0.5], "end": [55.1, 139.3, 0.5], "probability": 0.92, }, ], "version": {"major": 1, "minor": 0}, }, extra_info='Optional fields: "name" and "probability"', ), InterfaceKindChoices.POINT: ComponentInterfaceExampleValue( value={ "name": "Point of interest", "type": "Point", "point": [152.1, 111.0, 0.5], "probability": 0.92, "version": {"major": 1, "minor": 0}, }, extra_info='Optional fields: "name" and "probability"', ), InterfaceKindChoices.MULTIPLE_POINTS: ComponentInterfaceExampleValue( value={ "name": "Points of interest", "type": "Multiple points", "points": [ { "name": "Point 1", "point": [96.0, 79.8, 0.5], "probability": 0.92, }, { "name": "Point 2", "point": [130.1, 115.5, 0.5], "probability": 0.92, }, ], "version": {"major": 1, "minor": 0}, }, extra_info='Optional fields: "name" and "probability"', ), InterfaceKindChoices.POLYGON: ComponentInterfaceExampleValue( value={ "name": "Area of interest", "type": "Polygon", "seed_point": [76.4, 124.0, 0.5], "path_points": [ [76.41, 124.01, 0.5], [76.41, 124.05, 0.5], [76.42, 124.08, 0.5], ], "sub_type": "brush", "groups": [], "probability": 0.92, "version": {"major": 1, "minor": 0}, }, extra_info='Optional fields: "name" and "probability"', ), InterfaceKindChoices.MULTIPLE_POLYGONS: ComponentInterfaceExampleValue( value={ "name": "Areas of interest", "type": "Multiple polygons", "polygons": [ { "name": "Area 1", "seed_point": [55.82, 90.46, 0.5], "path_points": [ [55.82, 90.46, 0.5], [55.93, 90.88, 0.5], [56.24, 91.19, 0.5], [56.66, 91.30, 0.5], ], "sub_type": "brush", "groups": ["manual"], "probability": 0.67, }, { "name": "Area 2", "seed_point": [90.22, 96.06, 0.5], "path_points": [ [90.22, 96.06, 0.5], [90.33, 96.48, 0.5], [90.64, 96.79, 0.5], ], "sub_type": "brush", "groups": [], "probability": 0.92, }, ], "version": {"major": 1, "minor": 0}, }, extra_info='Optional fields: "name" and "probability"', ), InterfaceKindChoices.LINE: ComponentInterfaceExampleValue( value={ "name": "Some annotation", "type": "Line", "seed_points": [[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]], "path_point_lists": [ [[5, 6, 7], [8, 9, 10], [1, 0, 10], [2, 4, 2]], [[5, 6, 7], [8, 9, 10], [1, 0, 10], [2, 4, 2]], ], "probability": 0.92, "version": {"major": 1, "minor": 0}, }, extra_info='Optional fields: "name" and "probability"', ), InterfaceKindChoices.MULTIPLE_LINES: ComponentInterfaceExampleValue( value={ "name": "Some annotations", "type": "Multiple lines", "lines": [ { "name": "Annotation 1", "seed_points": [[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]], "path_point_lists": [ [[5, 6, 7], [8, 9, 10], [1, 0, 10], [2, 4, 2]], [[5, 6, 7], [8, 9, 10], [1, 0, 10], [2, 4, 2]], ], "probability": 0.78, }, { "name": "Annotation 2", "seed_points": [[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]], "path_point_lists": [ [[5, 6, 7], [8, 9, 10], [1, 0, 10], [2, 4, 2]], [[5, 6, 7], [8, 9, 10], [1, 0, 10], [2, 4, 2]], ], "probability": 0.92, }, ], "version": {"major": 1, "minor": 0}, }, extra_info='Optional fields: "name" and "probability"', ), InterfaceKindChoices.ANGLE: ComponentInterfaceExampleValue( value={ "name": "Some angle", "type": "Angle", "lines": [ [[180, 10, 0.5], [190, 10, 0.5]], [[180, 25, 0.5], [190, 15, 0.5]], ], "probability": 0.92, "version": {"major": 1, "minor": 0}, }, extra_info='Optional fields: "name" and "probability"', ), InterfaceKindChoices.MULTIPLE_ANGLES: ComponentInterfaceExampleValue( value={ "name": "Some angles", "type": "Multiple angles", "angles": [ { "name": "First angle", "lines": [ [[110, 135, 0.5], [60, 165, 0.5]], [[70, 25, 0.5], [85, 65, 0.5]], ], "probability": 0.82, }, { "name": "Second angle", "lines": [ [[130, 210, 0.5], [160, 130, 0.5]], [[140, 40, 0.5], [180, 75, 0.5]], ], "probability": 0.52, }, { "name": "Third angle", "lines": [ [[20, 30, 0.5], [20, 100, 0.5]], [[180, 200, 0.5], [210, 200, 0.5]], ], "probability": 0.98, }, ], "version": {"major": 1, "minor": 0}, }, extra_info='Optional fields: "name" and "probability"', ), InterfaceKindChoices.ELLIPSE: ComponentInterfaceExampleValue( value={ "name": "Some ellipse", "type": "Ellipse", "major_axis": [[-10, 606, 0.5], [39, 559, 0.5]], "minor_axis": [[2, 570, 0.5], [26, 595, 0.5]], "probability": 0.92, "version": {"major": 1, "minor": 0}, }, extra_info='Optional fields: "name" and "probability"', ), InterfaceKindChoices.MULTIPLE_ELLIPSES: ComponentInterfaceExampleValue( value={ "name": "Some ellipse", "type": "Multiple ellipses", "ellipses": [ { "major_axis": [[-44, 535, 0.5], [-112, 494, 0.5]], "minor_axis": [[-88, 532, 0.5], [-68, 497, 0.5]], "probability": 0.69, }, { "major_axis": [[-17, 459, 0.5], [-94, 436, 0.5]], "minor_axis": [[-61, 467, 0.5], [-50, 428, 0.5]], "probability": 0.92, }, ], "version": {"major": 1, "minor": 0}, }, extra_info='Optional fields: "name" and "probability"', ), InterfaceKindChoices.THREE_POINT_ANGLE: ComponentInterfaceExampleValue( value={ "name": "Some 3-point angle", "type": "Three-point angle", "angle": [[177, 493, 0.5], [22, 489, 0.5], [112, 353, 0.5]], "probability": 0.003, "version": {"major": 1, "minor": 0}, }, extra_info='Optional fields: "name" and "probability"', ), InterfaceKindChoices.MULTIPLE_THREE_POINT_ANGLES: ComponentInterfaceExampleValue( value={ "name": "Multiple 3-point angles", "type": "Multiple three-point angles", "angles": [ { "name": "first", "angle": [ [300, 237, 0.5], [263, 282, 0.5], [334, 281, 0.5], ], "probability": 0.92, }, { "name": "second", "angle": [ [413, 237, 0.5], [35, 160, 0.5], [367, 293, 0.5], ], "probability": 0.69, }, ], "version": {"major": 1, "minor": 0}, }, extra_info='Optional fields: "name" and "probability"', ), InterfaceKindChoices.AFFINE_TRANSFORM_REGISTRATION: ComponentInterfaceExampleValue( value={ "3d_affine_transform": [ [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], ] }, ), InterfaceKindChoices.CHOICE: ComponentInterfaceExampleValue( value="Choice 1", ), InterfaceKindChoices.MULTIPLE_CHOICE: ComponentInterfaceExampleValue( value=["Choice 1", "Choice 2"], ), } INTERFACE_KIND_TO_ALLOWED_FILE_TYPES = { # Can contain: # - file extensions (e.g. '.jpg') # - subtype MIME type (e.g. 'text/plain') # - maintype MIME type (wildcard, e.g. 'text/*') # See: InterfaceKindChoices.CSV: ( "application/csv", "application/", "text/csv", "text/plain", ), InterfaceKindChoices.ZIP: ( "application/zip", "application/x-zip-compressed", ), InterfaceKindChoices.PDF: ("application/pdf",), InterfaceKindChoices.THUMBNAIL_JPG: ("image/jpeg",), InterfaceKindChoices.THUMBNAIL_PNG: ("image/png",), InterfaceKindChoices.SQREG: ( "application/octet-stream", "application/x-sqlite3", "application/vnd.sqlite3", ), InterfaceKindChoices.MP4: ("video/mp4",), InterfaceKindChoices.NEWICK: ( # MIME types "text/x-nh", "application/octet-stream", # File extensions ".newick", ".nwk", ".tree", ), InterfaceKindChoices.BIOM: ( # MIME type "application/octet-stream", # File extension ".biom", ), InterfaceKindChoices.OBJ: ( "text/plain", "application/octet-stream", ), **{ kind: ( "text/plain", "application/json", ) for kind in InterfaceKind.interface_type_json() }, } INTERFACE_KIND_TO_FILE_EXTENSION = { InterfaceKindChoices.CSV: ".csv", InterfaceKindChoices.ZIP: ".zip", InterfaceKind.InterfaceKindChoices.PDF: ".pdf", InterfaceKindChoices.SQREG: ".sqreg", InterfaceKindChoices.THUMBNAIL_JPG: ".jpeg", InterfaceKindChoices.THUMBNAIL_PNG: ".png", InterfaceKindChoices.OBJ: ".obj", InterfaceKindChoices.MP4: ".mp4", InterfaceKindChoices.NEWICK: ".newick", InterfaceKindChoices.BIOM: ".biom", **{kind: ".json" for kind in InterfaceKind.interface_type_json()}, } INTERFACE_KIND_TO_CUSTOM_QUEUE = { InterfaceKindChoices.NEWICK: acks_late_2xlarge_task.queue, InterfaceKindChoices.BIOM: acks_late_2xlarge_task.queue, } def component_interface_value_path(instance, filename): # Convert the pk to a hex, padded to 4 chars with zeros pk_as_padded_hex = f"{}" return ( f"{instance._meta.app_label.lower()}/" f"{instance._meta.model_name.lower()}/" f"{pk_as_padded_hex[-4:-2]}/{pk_as_padded_hex[-2:]}/{}/" f"{get_valid_filename(filename)}" ) class ComponentInterfaceValueManager(models.Manager): def get_first_or_create(self, **kwargs): try: return self.get_or_create(**kwargs) except MultipleObjectsReturned: return self.filter(**kwargs).first(), False
[docs] class ComponentInterfaceValue(models.Model): """Encapsulates the value of an interface at a certain point in the graph.""" id = models.BigAutoField(primary_key=True) interface = models.ForeignKey( to=ComponentInterface, on_delete=models.PROTECT ) value = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True, default=None) file = models.FileField( null=True, blank=True, upload_to=component_interface_value_path, storage=protected_s3_storage, validators=[ ExtensionValidator( allowed_extensions=( ".json", ".zip", ".csv", ".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".pdf", ".sqreg", ".obj", ".mp4", ".newick", ".biom", ) ), MimeTypeValidator( allowed_types=( "application/json", "application/zip", "text/plain", "application/csv", "text/csv", "application/pdf", "image/png", "image/jpeg", "application/octet-stream", "application/x-sqlite3", "application/vnd.sqlite3", "video/mp4", ) ), ], ) image = models.ForeignKey( to=Image, null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.PROTECT ) storage_cost_per_year_usd_millicents = deprecate_field( models.PositiveIntegerField( # We store usd here as the exchange rate regularly changes editable=False, null=True, default=None, help_text="The storage cost per year for this image in USD Cents, excluding Tax", ) ) size_in_storage = models.PositiveBigIntegerField( editable=False, default=0, help_text="The number of bytes stored in the storage backend", ) _user_upload_validated = False objects = ComponentInterfaceValueManager() @property def title(self): if self.value is not None: return str(self.value) if self.file: return Path( if self.image: return return "" @property def has_value(self): return self.value is not None or self.image or self.file @property def decompress(self): """ Should the CIV be decompressed? This is only for legacy support of zip file submission for prediction evaluation. We should not support this anywhere else as it clobbers the input directory. """ return self.interface.kind == InterfaceKindChoices.ZIP @cached_property def image_file(self): """The single image file for this interface""" return ( self.image.files.filter( image_type__in=[ ImageFile.IMAGE_TYPE_MHD, ImageFile.IMAGE_TYPE_TIFF, ] ) .get() .file ) @property def relative_path(self): """ Where should the file be located? Images need special handling as their names are fixed. """ path = Path(self.interface.relative_path) if self.image: path /= Path( return path def __str__(self): if self.value is None: return self.title else: return f"Component Interface Value {} for {self.interface}"
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._value_orig = self.value self._image_orig = self._dict["image"] self._file_orig = self.file
@property def _dict(self): return model_to_dict( self, fields=[ for field in self._meta.fields] )
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): if ( ( self._value_orig not in (None, self.interface.default_value) and self.value is not None and self._value_orig != self.value ) or (self._image_orig and self._image_orig != or ( not in (None, "") and self._file_orig != self.file ) ): raise ValidationError( "You cannot change the value, file or image of an existing CIV. " "Please create a new CIV instead." ) if self._file_orig != self.file: self.update_size_in_storage() super().save(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def clean(self): super().clean() attributes = [ attribute for attribute in [self.value, self.image,] if attribute is not None if attribute != "" ] if len(attributes) > 1: raise ValidationError( "Only one of image, value and file can be defined." ) if self.interface.is_image_kind: self._validate_image_only() if self.interface.kind == InterfaceKindChoices.SEGMENTATION: self.interface._validate_voxel_values(self.image) if self.interface.kind == InterfaceKindChoices.DISPLACEMENT_FIELD: self.interface._validate_vector_field(self.image) elif self.interface.is_file_kind: self._validate_file_only() else: self._validate_value()
def _validate_image_only(self): if not self.image: raise ValidationError("Image must be set") if self.file or self.value is not None: raise ValidationError( f"File ({self.file}) or value should not be set for images" ) def _validate_file_only(self): if not self._user_upload_validated and not self.file: raise ValidationError("File must be set") if self.image or self.value is not None: raise ValidationError( f"Image ({self.image}) or value must not be set for files" ) def _validate_value_only(self): # Do not check self.value here, it can be anything including None. # This is checked later with interface.validate_against_schema. if self.image or self.file: raise ValidationError( f"Image ({self.image}) or file ({self.file}) must not be set for values" ) def _validate_value(self): if self._user_upload_validated: return if self.interface.saved_in_object_store: self._validate_file_only() with"r") as f: try: value = json.loads("utf-8")) except JSONDecodeError as error: raise ValidationError(error) except UnicodeDecodeError: raise ValidationError("The file could not be decoded") except MemoryError as error: raise ValidationError( "The file was too large to process, " "please try again with a smaller file" ) from error else: self._validate_value_only() value = self.value self.interface.validate_against_schema(value=value) def validate_user_upload(self, user_upload): if not user_upload.is_completed: raise ValidationError("User upload is not completed.") try: if self.interface.is_json_kind: try: value = json.loads(user_upload.read_object()) except JSONDecodeError as error: raise ValidationError(error) self.interface.validate_against_schema(value=value) elif self.interface.kind == InterfaceKindChoices.NEWICK: validate_newick_tree_format(tree=user_upload.read_object()) elif self.interface.kind == InterfaceKindChoices.BIOM: with NamedTemporaryFile() as temp_file: user_upload.download_fileobj(temp_file) validate_biom_format( except UnicodeDecodeError: raise ValidationError("The file could not be decoded") except ( MemoryError, SoftTimeLimitExceeded, TimeLimitExceeded, ) as error: raise ValidationError( "The file was too large to process, " "please try again with a smaller file" ) from error self._user_upload_validated = True def update_size_in_storage(self): if self.file: self.size_in_storage = self.file.size else: raise NotImplementedError class Meta: ordering = ("pk",)
[docs] class ComponentJobManager(models.QuerySet):
[docs] def with_duration(self): """Annotate the queryset with the duration of completed jobs""" return self.annotate(duration=F("completed_at") - F("started_at"))
[docs] def average_duration(self): """Calculate the average duration that completed jobs ran for""" return ( self.with_duration() .exclude(duration=None) .aggregate(Avg("duration"))["duration__avg"] )
def total_duration(self): return ( self.with_duration() .exclude(duration=None) .aggregate(Sum("duration"))["duration__sum"] ) def active(self): return self.exclude( status__in=[ ComponentJob.SUCCESS, ComponentJob.CANCELLED, ComponentJob.FAILURE, ComponentJob.CLAIMED, ] )
[docs] class ComponentJob(FieldChangeMixin, UUIDModel): # The job statuses come directly from celery.result.AsyncResult.status: # PENDING = 0 STARTED = 1 RETRY = 2 FAILURE = 3 SUCCESS = 4 CANCELLED = 5 PROVISIONING = 6 PROVISIONED = 7 EXECUTING = 8 EXECUTED = 9 PARSING = 10 EXECUTING_PREREQUISITES = 11 CLAIMED = 12 VALIDATING_INPUTS = 13 STATUS_CHOICES = ( (PENDING, "Queued"), (STARTED, "Started"), (RETRY, "Re-Queued"), (FAILURE, "Failed"), (SUCCESS, "Succeeded"), (CANCELLED, "Cancelled"), (PROVISIONING, "Provisioning"), (PROVISIONED, "Provisioned"), (EXECUTING, "Executing"), (EXECUTED, "Executed"), (PARSING, "Parsing Outputs"), (EXECUTING_PREREQUISITES, "Executing Algorithm"), (CLAIMED, "External Execution In Progress"), (VALIDATING_INPUTS, "Validating inputs"), ) status = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField( choices=STATUS_CHOICES, default=PENDING, db_index=True ) attempt = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(editable=False, default=0) stdout = models.TextField() stderr = models.TextField(default="") runtime_metrics = models.JSONField(default=dict, editable=False) error_message = models.CharField(max_length=1024, default="") detailed_error_message = models.JSONField(blank=True, default=dict) started_at = models.DateTimeField(null=True) completed_at = models.DateTimeField(null=True) compute_cost_euro_millicents = models.PositiveIntegerField( # We store euro here as the costs were incurred at a time when # the exchange rate may have been different editable=False, null=True, default=None, help_text="The total compute cost for this job in Euro Cents, including Tax", ) input_prefixes = models.JSONField( default=dict, editable=False, help_text=( "Map of the ComponentInterfaceValue id to the path prefix to use " "for this input, e.g. {'1': 'foo/bar/'} will place CIV 1 at " "/input/foo/bar/<relative_path>" ), ) task_on_success = models.JSONField( default=None, null=True, editable=False, help_text="Serialized task that is run on job success", ) task_on_failure = models.JSONField( default=None, null=True, editable=False, help_text="Serialized task that is run on job failure", ) time_limit = models.PositiveIntegerField( help_text="Time limit for the job in seconds", validators=[ MinValueValidator( limit_value=settings.COMPONENTS_MINIMUM_JOB_DURATION ), MaxValueValidator( limit_value=settings.COMPONENTS_MAXIMUM_JOB_DURATION ), ], ) requires_gpu_type = models.CharField( editable=False, max_length=4, choices=GPUTypeChoices.choices, help_text="What GPU is required by this job?", ) requires_memory_gb = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField( editable=False, help_text="How much memory is required by this job?" ) inputs = models.ManyToManyField( to=ComponentInterfaceValue, related_name="%(app_label)s_%(class)ss_as_input", ) outputs = models.ManyToManyField( to=ComponentInterfaceValue, related_name="%(app_label)s_%(class)ss_as_output", ) objects = ComponentJobManager.as_manager() @property def status_url(self) -> str: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): adding = self._state.adding if not adding: for field in ( "requires_gpu_type", "requires_memory_gb", "time_limit", ): if self.has_changed(field): raise ValueError(f"{field} cannot be changed") super().save()
def update_status( # noqa: C901 self, *, status: STATUS_CHOICES, stdout: str = "", stderr: str = "", error_message="", detailed_error_message=None, duration: timedelta | None = None, compute_cost_euro_millicents=None, runtime_metrics=None, ): self.status = status if stdout: self.stdout = stdout if stderr: self.stderr = stderr if error_message: self.error_message = error_message[:1024] if detailed_error_message: self.detailed_error_message = { str(key): value for key, value in detailed_error_message.items() } if ( status in [self.STARTED, self.EXECUTING] and self.started_at is None ): self.started_at = now() elif ( status in [self.EXECUTED, self.SUCCESS, self.FAILURE, self.CANCELLED] and self.completed_at is None ): self.completed_at = now() if duration and self.started_at: # TODO: maybe add separate timings for provisioning, executing, parsing and total self.started_at = self.completed_at - duration if compute_cost_euro_millicents is not None: self.compute_cost_euro_millicents = compute_cost_euro_millicents if runtime_metrics is not None: self.runtime_metrics = runtime_metrics if self.status == self.SUCCESS: on_commit(self.execute_task_on_success) elif self.status in [self.FAILURE, self.CANCELLED]: on_commit(self.execute_task_on_failure) @property def executor_kwargs(self): return { "job_id": f"{self._meta.app_label}-{self._meta.model_name}-{}-{self.attempt:02}", "exec_image_repo_tag": self.container.shimmed_repo_tag, "time_limit": self.time_limit, "requires_gpu_type": self.requires_gpu_type, "memory_limit": self.requires_memory_gb, } def get_executor(self, *, backend): Executor = import_string(backend) # noqa: N806 return Executor(**self.executor_kwargs) @property def container(self) -> "ComponentImage": """ Returns the container object associated with this instance, which should be a foreign key to an object that is a subclass of ComponentImage """ raise NotImplementedError @property def output_interfaces(self) -> QuerySet: """Returns an unevaluated QuerySet for the output interfaces""" raise NotImplementedError @cached_property def inputs_complete(self): raise NotImplementedError @property def signature_kwargs(self): return { "kwargs": { "job_pk": str(, "job_app_label": self._meta.app_label, "job_model_name": self._meta.model_name, "backend": settings.COMPONENTS_DEFAULT_BACKEND, }, "immutable": True, } def execute(self): return provision_job.signature(**self.signature_kwargs).apply_async() def execute_task_on_success(self): deprovision_job.signature(**self.signature_kwargs).apply_async() if self.task_on_success: signature(self.task_on_success).apply_async() def execute_task_on_failure(self): deprovision_job.signature(**self.signature_kwargs).apply_async() if self.task_on_failure: signature(self.task_on_failure).apply_async() @property def animate(self): return self.status in { self.STARTED, self.PROVISIONING, self.PROVISIONED, self.EXECUTING, self.EXECUTED, self.PARSING, self.EXECUTING_PREREQUISITES, self.VALIDATING_INPUTS, } @property def finished(self): return self.status in { self.FAILURE, self.SUCCESS, self.CANCELLED, } @property def status_context(self): if self.status == self.SUCCESS: if self.stderr: return "warning" else: return "success" elif self.status in {self.FAILURE, self.CANCELLED}: return "danger" elif self.status in { self.PENDING, self.STARTED, self.RETRY, self.PROVISIONING, self.PROVISIONED, self.EXECUTING, self.EXECUTED, self.PARSING, self.EXECUTING_PREREQUISITES, self.VALIDATING_INPUTS, }: return "info" else: return "secondary" @property def runtime_metrics_chart(self): instance_metrics = self.runtime_metrics["instance"] cpu_limit = 100 * instance_metrics["cpu"] if instance_metrics["gpus"]: gpu_str = ( f"{instance_metrics['gpus']}x {instance_metrics['gpu_type']}" ) else: gpu_str = "No" title = f"{instance_metrics['name']} / {instance_metrics['cpu']} CPU / {instance_metrics['memory']} GB Memory / {gpu_str} GPU" return components_line( values=[ { "Metric": metric["label"], "Timestamp": timestamp, "Percent": value / 100.0, } for metric in self.runtime_metrics["metrics"] for timestamp, value in zip( metric["timestamps"], metric["values"], strict=True ) ], title=title, cpu_limit=cpu_limit, tooltip=[ { "field": metric["label"], "type": "quantitative", "format": ".2%", } for metric in self.runtime_metrics["metrics"] ], ) class Meta: abstract = True
def docker_image_path(instance, filename): return ( f"docker/" f"images/" f"{instance._meta.app_label.lower()}/" f"{instance._meta.model_name.lower()}/" f"{}/" f"{get_valid_filename(filename)}" )
[docs] class ImportStatusChoices(IntegerChoices): INITIALIZED = 0, "Initialized" QUEUED = 1, "Queued" RETRY = 2, "Re-Queued" STARTED = 3, "Started" CANCELLED = 4, "Cancelled" FAILED = 5, "Failed" COMPLETED = 6, "Completed"
class ComponentImageManager(models.Manager): def executable_images(self): return self.filter(is_manifest_valid=True, is_in_registry=True) def active_images(self): return self.executable_images().filter(is_desired_version=True)
[docs] class ComponentImage(FieldChangeMixin, models.Model): SHIM_IMAGE = True ImportStatusChoices = ImportStatusChoices GPUTypeChoices = GPUTypeChoices objects = ComponentImageManager() creator = models.ForeignKey( settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL ) user_upload = models.ForeignKey( UserUpload, blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL ) image = models.FileField( blank=True, upload_to=docker_image_path, validators=[ ExtensionValidator( allowed_extensions=(".tar", ".tar.gz", ".tar.xz") ) ], help_text=( ".tar.gz archive of the container image produced from the command " "'docker save IMAGE | gzip -c > IMAGE.tar.gz'. See " "" ), storage=private_s3_storage, ) image_sha256 = models.CharField(editable=False, max_length=71) latest_shimmed_version = models.CharField( editable=False, max_length=8, default="" ) import_status = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField( choices=ImportStatusChoices.choices, default=ImportStatusChoices.INITIALIZED, db_index=True, ) is_manifest_valid = models.BooleanField( default=None, null=True, editable=False, help_text="Is this image's manifest valid?", ) is_in_registry = models.BooleanField( default=False, editable=False, help_text="Is this image in the container registry?", ) status = models.TextField(editable=False) storage_cost_per_year_usd_millicents = deprecate_field( models.PositiveIntegerField( # We store usd here as the exchange rate regularly changes editable=False, null=True, default=None, help_text="The storage cost per year for this image in USD Cents, excluding Tax", ) ) size_in_storage = models.PositiveBigIntegerField( editable=False, default=0, help_text="The number of bytes stored in the storage backend", ) size_in_registry = models.PositiveBigIntegerField( editable=False, default=0, help_text="The number of bytes stored in the registry", ) comment = models.TextField( blank=True, default="", help_text="Add any information (e.g. version ID) about this image here.", ) is_desired_version = models.BooleanField(default=False, editable=False) def get_absolute_url(self): raise NotImplementedError @property def import_status_url(self) -> str: raise NotImplementedError def __str__(self): out = f"{self._meta.verbose_name.title()} {self.pk_display} (SHA256: {self.sha256_display}" if self.comment: out += f", comment: {truncatewords(self.comment, 4)}" out += ")" return out @cached_property def can_execute(self): return ( self.__class__.objects.executable_images() .filter( .exists() ) @property def linked_file(self): return self.image @property def sha256_display(self): if self.image_sha256: return self.image_sha256.split(":")[1][:8] else: return "Unknown" @property def pk_display(self): return str("-")[0] def clear_can_execute_cache(self): try: del self.can_execute except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): image_needs_validation = ( self.import_status == ImportStatusChoices.INITIALIZED and self.is_manifest_valid is None ) validate_image_now = False if self.initial_value("image"): if self.has_changed("image"): raise RuntimeError("The image cannot be changed") if image_needs_validation: self.import_status = ImportStatusChoices.QUEUED validate_image_now = True elif self.image and image_needs_validation: self.import_status = ImportStatusChoices.QUEUED validate_image_now = True if self.has_changed("image") or self.has_changed("is_in_registry"): self.update_size_in_storage() super().save(*args, **kwargs) if validate_image_now: on_commit( validate_docker_image.signature( kwargs={ "app_label": self._meta.app_label, "model_name": self._meta.model_name, "pk":, "mark_as_desired": True, }, immutable=True, ).apply_async )
def assign_docker_image_from_upload(self): on_commit( assign_docker_image_from_upload.signature( kwargs={ "app_label": self._meta.app_label, "model_name": self._meta.model_name, "pk":, } ).apply_async ) def get_peer_images(self): raise NotImplementedError @transaction.atomic def mark_desired_version(self): self.clear_can_execute_cache() if self.is_manifest_valid and self.can_execute: images = self.get_peer_images() for image in images: if image == self: image.is_desired_version = True else: image.is_desired_version = False self.__class__.objects.bulk_update(images, ["is_desired_version"]) else: raise RuntimeError( "Tried to mark invalid image as desired version." ) @property def original_repo_tag(self): """The tag of this image in the container repository""" return ( f"{settings.COMPONENTS_REGISTRY_URL}/" f"{settings.COMPONENTS_REGISTRY_PREFIX}/" f"{self._meta.app_label}/{self._meta.model_name}:{}" ) @property def shimmed_repo_tag(self): return f"{self.original_repo_tag}-{self.latest_shimmed_version}" class Meta: abstract = True @property def animate(self): return self.import_status == self.ImportStatusChoices.STARTED @property def finished(self): return self.import_status in { self.ImportStatusChoices.FAILED, self.ImportStatusChoices.COMPLETED, self.ImportStatusChoices.CANCELLED, } @property def import_status_context(self): if self.import_status == self.ImportStatusChoices.COMPLETED: return "success" elif self.import_status in { self.ImportStatusChoices.FAILED, self.ImportStatusChoices.CANCELLED, }: return "danger" elif self.import_status in { self.ImportStatusChoices.INITIALIZED, self.ImportStatusChoices.QUEUED, self.ImportStatusChoices.RETRY, self.ImportStatusChoices.STARTED, }: return "info" else: return "secondary" def calculate_size_in_registry(self): if self.is_in_registry: command = _repo_login_and_run( command=["crane", "manifest", self.original_repo_tag] ) manifest = json.loads(command.stdout) return ( sum(layer["size"] for layer in manifest["layers"]) + manifest["config"]["size"] ) else: return 0 def update_size_in_storage(self): if not self.image: self.size_in_storage = 0 self.size_in_registry = 0 else: self.size_in_storage = self.image.size self.size_in_registry = self.calculate_size_in_registry()
class CIVData: @property def interface_slug(self): return self._interface_slug @property def value(self): return self._json_value @property def image(self): return self._image @property def upload_session(self): return self._upload_session @property def user_upload(self): return self._user_upload @property def user_upload_queryset(self): return self._user_upload_queryset @property def file_civ(self): return self._file_civ def __init__(self, *, interface_slug, value): self._interface_slug = interface_slug self._initial_value = value self._json_value = None self._image = None self._upload_session = None self._user_upload = None self._user_upload_queryset = None self._file_civ = None ci = ComponentInterface.objects.get(slug=interface_slug) if ci.is_json_kind and not ci.requires_file: self._init_json_civ_data() elif ci.is_image_kind: self._init_image_civ_data() elif ci.requires_file: self._init_file_civ_data() self.validate() def _init_json_civ_data(self): if isinstance( self._initial_value, (str | bool | int | float | dict | list | None), ): self._json_value = self._initial_value else: ValidationError( f"Unknown data type {type(self._initial_value)} for interface {self._interface_slug}" ) def _init_image_civ_data(self): if isinstance(self._initial_value, QuerySet): self._user_upload_queryset = self._initial_value elif isinstance(self._initial_value, RawImageUploadSession): self._upload_session = self._initial_value elif isinstance(self._initial_value, Image): self._image = self._initial_value elif self._initial_value is None: self._image = None else: raise ValidationError( f"Unknown data type {type(self._initial_value)} for interface {self._interface_slug}" ) def _init_file_civ_data(self): if isinstance(self._initial_value, UserUpload): self._user_upload = self._initial_value elif isinstance(self._initial_value, ComponentInterfaceValue): self._file_civ = self._initial_value elif self._initial_value is None: self._file_civ = None else: return ValidationError( f"Unknown data type {type(self._initial_value)} for interface {self._interface_slug}" ) def validate(self): unique_properties = [ self.value, self.image, self.user_upload, self.upload_session, self.user_upload_queryset, self.file_civ, ] # Ensure at most one of these properties is set # None can be an acceptable value, so 0 is ok if sum(bool(property) for property in unique_properties) > 1: raise ValidationError( "Only one of value, image, user_upload, upload_session, " "user_upload_queryset or file_civ can be provided for a " "single CIVData object." ) class CIVSetStringRepresentationMixin: def __str__(self): result = [str(] if self.title: result.append(f"{self.title!r}") result.append(self.__content_str) return ", ".join(result) @property def __content_str(self): civs = self.values.all() nr = len(civs) if nr == 0: return "No content" if nr > 5: return "5+ items" content = [f"{civ.interface.title}: {civ.title[:30]}" for civ in civs] return ", ".join(content) class CIVSetObjectPermissionsMixin: @property def view_perm(self): return f"view_{self._meta.model_name}" @property def change_perm(self): return f"change_{self._meta.model_name}" @property def delete_perm(self): return f"delete_{self._meta.model_name}" def save(self, *args, **kwargs): adding = self._state.adding super().save(*args, **kwargs) if adding: self.assign_permissions() def assign_permissions(self): raise NotImplementedError class CIVForObjectMixin: def add_civ(self, *, civ): if not self.is_editable: raise CIVNotEditableException(f"{self} is not editable.") def remove_civ(self, *, civ): if not self.is_editable: raise CIVNotEditableException(f"{self} is not editable.") def validate_values_and_execute_linked_task( self, *, values, user, linked_task=None ): for civ_data in values: self.create_civ( civ_data=civ_data, user=user, linked_task=linked_task, ) def create_civ(self, *, civ_data, user=None, linked_task=None): if not self.is_editable: raise CIVNotEditableException( f"{self} is not editable. CIVs cannot be added or removed from it.", ) ci = ComponentInterface.objects.get(slug=civ_data.interface_slug) current_civ = self.get_current_value_for_interface( interface=ci, user=user ) if ci.is_json_kind and not ci.requires_file: return self.create_civ_for_value( ci=ci, current_civ=current_civ, new_value=civ_data.value, user=user, linked_task=linked_task, ) elif ci.is_image_kind: return self.create_civ_for_image( ci=ci, current_civ=current_civ, user=user, image=civ_data.image, upload_session=civ_data.upload_session, user_upload_queryset=civ_data.user_upload_queryset, linked_task=linked_task, ) elif ci.requires_file: return self.create_civ_for_file( ci=ci, current_civ=current_civ, file_civ=civ_data.file_civ, user_upload=civ_data.user_upload, linked_task=linked_task, ) else: NotImplementedError(f"CIV creation for {ci} not handled.") def create_civ_for_value( self, *, ci, current_civ, new_value, user, linked_task=None ): current_value = current_civ.value if current_civ else None civ, created = ComponentInterfaceValue.objects.get_first_or_create( interface=ci, value=new_value ) if current_value != new_value or ( current_value in ci.default_field.empty_values and new_value in ci.default_field.empty_values ): try: civ.full_clean() self.add_civ(civ=civ) self.remove_civ(civ=current_civ) except ValidationError as e: if created: civ.delete() if new_value in ci.default_field.empty_values: self.remove_civ(civ=current_civ) else: error_handler = self.get_error_handler() error_handler.handle_error( interface=ci, error_message=format_validation_error_message(error=e), user=user, ) return if linked_task is not None: on_commit(signature(linked_task).apply_async) def create_civ_for_image( # noqa: C901 self, *, ci, current_civ, user=None, image=None, upload_session=None, user_upload_queryset=None, linked_task=None, ): current_image = current_civ.image if current_civ else None if image and current_image != image: civ, created = ComponentInterfaceValue.objects.get_first_or_create( interface=ci, image=image ) if created: try: civ.full_clean() except ValidationError as e: civ.delete() error_handler = self.get_error_handler() error_handler.handle_error( interface=ci, error_message=format_validation_error_message(error=e), user=user, ) return self.remove_civ(civ=current_civ) self.add_civ(civ=civ) if linked_task is not None: on_commit(signature(linked_task).apply_async) elif upload_session or user_upload_queryset: # Local import to avoid circular dependency from grandchallenge.components.tasks import add_image_to_object if user_upload_queryset: if not user: raise RuntimeError( f"You need to provide a user along with the user upload " f"queryset for interface {ci}" ) upload_session = RawImageUploadSession.objects.create( creator=user ) upload_session.user_uploads.set(user_upload_queryset) upload_session.process_images( linked_app_label=self._meta.app_label, linked_model_name=self._meta.model_name,, linked_interface_slug=ci.slug, linked_task=add_image_to_object.signature( kwargs={ "app_label": self._meta.app_label, "model_name": self._meta.model_name, "object_pk":, "interface_pk": str(, "linked_task": linked_task, }, immutable=True, ), ) def create_civ_for_file( self, *, ci, current_civ, file_civ=None, user_upload=None, linked_task=None, ): if file_civ: self.remove_civ(civ=current_civ) self.add_civ(civ=file_civ) if linked_task is not None: on_commit(signature(linked_task).apply_async) elif user_upload: from grandchallenge.components.tasks import add_file_to_object custom_queue = INTERFACE_KIND_TO_CUSTOM_QUEUE.get(ci.kind, False) task_queue_kwarg = {} if custom_queue: task_queue_kwarg["queue"] = custom_queue transaction.on_commit( add_file_to_object.signature( kwargs={ "app_label": self._meta.app_label, "model_name": self._meta.model_name, "user_upload_pk": str(, "interface_pk": str(, "object_pk":, "linked_task": linked_task, }, **task_queue_kwarg, ).apply_async ) else: # if no new value is provided (user selects '---' in dropdown) # delete old CIV self.remove_civ(civ=current_civ) def get_civ_for_interface(self, interface): raise NotImplementedError def get_current_value_for_interface(self, *, interface, user): try: return self.get_civ_for_interface(interface=interface) except ObjectDoesNotExist: return None except MultipleObjectsReturned as e: error_handler = self.get_error_handler() error_handler.handle_error( interface=interface, error_message="An unexpected error occurred", user=user, ) raise e def get_error_handler(self, *, linked_object=None): # local imports to prevent circular dependency from grandchallenge.algorithms.models import Job from grandchallenge.archives.models import ArchiveItem from grandchallenge.reader_studies.models import DisplaySet if linked_object and isinstance(linked_object, RawImageUploadSession): return RawImageUploadSessionErrorHandler( upload_session=linked_object, linked_object=self, ) elif isinstance(self, Job): return JobCIVErrorHandler(job=self) elif linked_object and isinstance(linked_object, UserUpload): return UserUploadCIVErrorHandler( user_upload=linked_object, ) elif isinstance(self, (ArchiveItem, DisplaySet)) and not linked_object: return FallbackCIVValidationErrorHandler() else: return RuntimeError("No appropriate error handler found.")
[docs] class InterfacesAndValues(NamedTuple): interfaces: set values: dict
class ValuesForInterfacesMixin: @property def civ_sets_related_manager(self): raise NotImplementedError @cached_property def interfaces_and_values(self): vals = list( self.civ_sets_related_manager.select_related( "values", "values__interface", "values__image" ) .filter(values__interface__slug__isnull=False) .values( "values__interface__slug", "values__id", ) .order_by("values__id") .distinct() ) interfaces = [x["values__interface__slug"] for x in vals] return InterfacesAndValues(interfaces=set(interfaces), values=vals) @cached_property def values_for_interfaces(self): interfaces_and_values = self.interfaces_and_values values_for_interfaces = { interface: [ x["values__id"] for x in interfaces_and_values.values if x["values__interface__slug"] == interface ] for interface in interfaces_and_values.interfaces } return values_for_interfaces @cached_property def linked_component_interfaces(self): return ComponentInterface.objects.filter( pk__in=self.civ_sets_related_manager.exclude( values__isnull=True ).values_list("values__interface__pk", flat=True) ).distinct()
[docs] class Tarball(UUIDModel): ImportStatusChoices = ImportStatusChoices creator = models.ForeignKey( settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL ) import_status = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField( choices=ImportStatusChoices.choices, default=ImportStatusChoices.INITIALIZED, db_index=True, ) status = models.TextField(editable=False) user_upload = models.ForeignKey( UserUpload, blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, validators=[validate_gzip_mimetype], ) sha256 = models.CharField(editable=False, max_length=71) size_in_storage = models.PositiveBigIntegerField( editable=False, default=0, help_text="The number of bytes stored in the storage backend", ) comment = models.TextField( blank=True, default="", help_text="Add any information (e.g. version ID) about this object here.", ) is_desired_version = models.BooleanField(default=False, editable=False) class Meta: abstract = True
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): adding = self._state.adding super().save(*args, **kwargs) if adding: self.assign_permissions()
def assign_permissions(self): raise NotImplementedError def get_absolute_url(self): raise NotImplementedError @property def import_status_url(self) -> str: raise NotImplementedError def get_peer_tarballs(self): raise NotImplementedError @property def linked_file(self): raise NotImplementedError @transaction.atomic def mark_desired_version(self, peer_tarballs=None): peer_tarballs = list(peer_tarballs or self.get_peer_tarballs()) for tb in peer_tarballs: tb.is_desired_version = False self.is_desired_version = True peer_tarballs.append(self) self.__class__.objects.bulk_update( peer_tarballs, ["is_desired_version"] ) @property def import_status_context(self): if self.import_status == ImportStatusChoices.COMPLETED: return "success" elif self.import_status in { ImportStatusChoices.FAILED, ImportStatusChoices.CANCELLED, }: return "danger" else: return "info" @property def animate(self): return self.import_status == ImportStatusChoices.INITIALIZED @property def finished(self): return self.import_status in { self.ImportStatusChoices.FAILED, self.ImportStatusChoices.COMPLETED, self.ImportStatusChoices.CANCELLED, }